SSA Claim Reconsideration

Helping Our Clients Appeal Wrongful Social Security Benefits Denials

Suffering a serious injury or health condition can completely disrupt a person’s life. In many instances, it seems impossible to return to a sense of normalcy. However, the Social Security Administration (SSA) often has benefits it can provide to individuals who are unable to work. Unfortunately, securing these benefits can be difficult. If your disability claim has been denied, an SSA claim reconsideration attorney may be able to assist.

At The Law Office of Nancy L. Cavey, our legal team understands what you’re up against. We’ve seen loved ones struggle to navigate the Social Security Disability (SSD) claims process. Our attorneys have also spent years representing injured and disabled individuals who were wrongfully denied benefits. We understand that you need an advocate on your side, and that’s exactly what our law firm offers.

Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.

Why Was Your Social Security Disability Claim Denied?

The SSA claim reconsideration attorneys at our law firm have spent years dealing with disability denials. In some instances, the reasons for a denial are simple and straightforward. For instance, perhaps an individual filed their application too late or did not gain enough work credits to qualify. These will result in technical denials. In these instances, there may be other options available (e.g., long-term disability, workers’ compensation).

However, there are also many non-technical reasons for denial. If the SSA refuses your benefits based on any of these, it’s possible that you could successfully appeal the decision. When looking at these denial reasons, it becomes clear that additional evidence or correcting a misunderstanding could correct the issue:

  • Insufficient medical evidence
  • Failure to meet disability criteria
  • Engagement in substantial gainful activity (SGA)
  • Failure to follow treatment plans
  • Duration requirement not met
  • Inaccurate, incomplete, or other errors in information
  • Failure to cooperate with the SSA

Regardless of the reason your disability claim was denied, an SSA claim reconsideration lawyer may be able to assist. By going through the reconsideration process, you can have examiners who were not involved in the initial denial decision review your claim. Of course, there’s a possibility that you could receive another denial — and in these instances, there are additional appeal options.

Of course, understanding the appropriate way to request a reconsideration can improve your odds of securing a different outcome. A legal professional can guide you through this process and help you understand how to improve your odds. However, it’s also possible to submit a request for reconsideration on your own.

How Do You Submit a Request for Reconsideration?

Once you’ve received a denial letter from the Social Security Administration, the clock is ticking on your right to appeal. You have 60 days from receipt of the denial to request a reconsideration. Fortunately, this isn’t a complex task on the surface. In fact, individuals denied benefits from the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) program can submit their request at a local office or right on the administration’s website.

Your request will need to be written out and explain why you believe you qualify for benefits. However, it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to reason your way into an approval. The initial reviewer denied your claim for a reason, and unless this issue is rectified, it’s very likely that the denial will be reaffirmed. Fortunately, this is your opportunity to provide additional evidence — such as medical records and physician statements — that bolster your case further.

When you’re going through this process, you may significantly benefit from working with an SSA claim reconsideration attorney. A legal professional can review your initial denial, help you understand what happened, and come up with a plan to submit an appeal successfully. Legal professionals experienced in this process know what it takes to overcome a denial, so don’t hesitate to contact our law firm today.

Will Your SSD Claim Appeal Be Successful?

When you submit an SSA claim reconsideration, reviewers will review your request and any additional information you submit. If they decide that you’ve proven your case, your appeal will be granted so that benefits can begin. Remember, more than two-thirds of SSD applications are initially denied. Put simply, many people have to go through the appeals process.

Once approved, you simply have to follow the rules of receiving Social Security Disability payments. Of course, not everyone’s request for reconsideration will be granted. If you fall into this category, it’s important that you don’t give up. An SSA claim reconsideration is not the end of the road. If you’re wrongfully denied, there are additional appeal options.

For instance, you can request a hearing before an Administrative Law Judge. If this doesn’t work, you can also submit your appeal directly to the Social Security Administrative Appeals Council. If you’ve made it this far and are still denied, the option to file a claim in federal court is still available to you. In all these cases, an SSA claim reconsideration attorney may prove useful.

Contact an SSA Claim Reconsideration Lawyer Today

While some people may see Social Security benefits as an entitlement, the reality is that most Americans have earned these benefits. With every paycheck that has money taken out before hitting your bank account, you’ve paid into a program that’s supposed to provide assistance when you need it. If you’ve been denied disability payments, an experienced legal professional may be able to assist.

At The Law Office of Nancy L. Cavey, our legal team has seen what denied benefits claims can lead to. Individuals and families are often left struggling when expected support is wrongfully withheld. The attorneys at our law firm have witnessed our families go through similar struggles, so we’ll always fight to ensure our clients aren’t treated unfairly. Contact us at (727) 477-3263 for help today.

Our SSA claim reconsideration attorneys are ready to advocate on your behalf.