Reconsideration Request Decision Timeframe

How Long Does It Take To Get A Decision On The Request For Reconsideration


The Typical Waiting Period

Your Request For Reconsideration is sent back to the Florida Office of Disability Determination Services (DDS), the state agency hired by the Social Security Administration (SSA) to review and decide every Initial Application and Request For Reconsideration. DDS writes to all the medical providers listed on your Request For Reconsideration asking them for copies of your medical records.

After your medical records are received and reviewed, a decision is made. The waiting period typically runs three to four months.

What You Should Do While Waiting For A Decision

You should:

  1. Continue to get medical care;
  2. Tell your medical providers about your symptoms and how they limit your ability to function every day;
  3. Tell your medical providers any side effects you are having with your medication.

DDS and SSA are looking for consistency in your medical records. It is important that for each visit your medical records document your symptoms and how they impact your daily activities. Don’t exaggerate. Simply tell your medical providers what problems you have lifting, standing, sitting, walking, bending, stooping and reaching. At the grocery store, for example, you might have to hold onto the cart for support to walk the aisles, or you cannot life a gallon of milk into your cart.

It Is Hard Waiting For A Decision

Waiting for a life-changing decision is hard, especially one where the odds are you will lose: more than 85% of the Requests for Reconsideration filed are denied. If your claim is denied, the next step is to file a Request for Hearing, which goes to the Social Security Administration’s Office of Disability Adjudications and Review (ODAR). A lot of people give up: 30% of the applicants don’t file a Request for Hearing.

But that is the wrong time to give up. The odds swing in your favor if you fight for your benefits at the Request for Hearing: you have a 66% chance of getting your Social Security Disability benefits. Those are winning odds!

Never, Never Give Up!

Patience is required. If you are denied, it’s time to get help from Social Security Attorney Nancy L. Cavey, who can help you get the Social Security disability benefits you deserve.

If you get a Notice of Denial, call her for a free, no-obligation consultation to learn how you can get your benefits. She doesn’t get paid an attorney fee unless she wins your case. And if she wins, the Social Security Administration decides how much she gets in attorney’s fees; the fee is paid for our of the past due benefits you are awarded.