Long Term Disability Occupations

Are You a Salesperson Whose Disability Insurance Policy or Plan Has Occupational Classes That Can Impact Your Disability Insurance Benefits?


A disability insurance company can offer to an employer disability insurance benefits for its employees that lumps occupations into classes. Why? Disability carriers will lump jobs into specific occupational classes based on risk. These classes take into consideration the hazards of the job, the length one may be disabled and the odds that a disabled policy holder won’t return to work. In other words, the disability carrier will use an occupational class to determine the premium you will have to pay, what benefits the policy will provide and the maximum benefit you can get. It is common for sales-based employers to offer a…

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Nurse Anesthetist‘s Opioid Addiction and Long-Term Disability Insurance from United Heritage Life


It is not uncommon for disability policy holders to develop opioid pain medication addiction after undergoing surgery.  Opioid addiction can be even more problematic when the policy holder is a medical professional like a certified registered nurse anesthetist. The American Association of Nurse Anesthetists has a return to work program for recovering nurses to re-enter the work force which provides, in part, that nurses “may return to work in a ‘supervised setting’ following treatment for addiction” recognizing “more time away from the workplace may be needed to reduce risk of relapse.” The Guidelines recommend that a recovering nurse  may practice under supervision. How Do…

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