The Ugly Truth About Why Every Physician Should Have Disability Insurance

Long Term Disability

Did you know that nearly 1 in 5 people living in the United States have a disability for over a year or until they reach the age of 65.  Physicians see on a day in and day out the devastating impact of injury or illness.  Unfortunately, many physicians don’t have long term disability insurance or don’t have proper income protection.

It’s The Perfect Time To Add Or Increase Your Disability Insurance If You’re A Physician

Physicians typically earn more than $200,000.00 per year and have a lifetime earning potentials in the millions.  Obviously, they have more to protect and more to lose.

It’s A Good Time For You To Have A Disability Checkup With Your Insurance Agent

Before doing so, order a no obligation copy of Robbed of Your Peace of Mind – so that you can review the terms that you don’t want to see in your disability policy.  This book will give you the frame work for dealing with your disability agents about their policy.  Just like a check up to prevent medical problems a disability insurance check up can save you from financial disaster.

You owe it to yourself and your family to stop procrastinating and schedule an appointment with a disability insurance attorney like Nancy Cavey to protect your claim!

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