What Every Social Security Disability Applicant With Diabetes Needs To Know About Following Prescribed Treatment

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The Social Security Administration will deny claims for diabetes if you aren’t following your treating physicians recommendations. in fact, the SSA is required to evaluate your compliance with prescribed treatment if you’re a diabetic.

While there are certain circumstances that would qualify as a justifiable cause for not following prescribed treatment, complaining that you just can’t get medical treatment isn’t going to cut it.

What Should I Do If I Can’t Afford My Prescribed Treatment For Diabetes?

You should do the following:

– determine if you’re eligible for the affordable care act,

– go to www.healthcare.gov to see if you qualify for free or subsided insurance,

– if you live in a state that has a healthcare exchange go to www.healthcare.gov to be directed to your state-run health exchange,

– contact your local health department to see if they will provide medical care to you,

– contact free or low-cost treatment facility such as the Judiah Christian Clinic,

– see if you qualify for a diabetes prescription assistance program by going to www.diabetes.com.

Give us a call at 727-477-3263 to discuss your options if you need help filing for disability if you suffer from diabetes. We are here to help! We help those who suffer from diabetes get the disability benefits they deserve when they can no longer work.

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