If You Do Not Understand Your Rights to Long Term Disability Benefits as a Result of AIDS, You’ll Hate Yourself Later

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If you have been diagnosed with AIDS or certain non-AIDS related complications and you have a long term disability policy, you may be entitled to disability benefits. After all, you purchased the disability policy to provide you with peace of mind if you became unable to work for any reason.

Many long term disability carriers are unsympathetic to AIDS patients and will routinely site to CD4 cell recovery as the equivalent of the ability to return to work. Unfortunately, long term disability carriers also routinely ignore complications seen among AIDS patients receiving ARV therapy such as neurocogntive impairments, chronic kidney diseases, osteoporosis and side effects of medication. Each of these need to be developed to win your AIDS long term disability claim.

If your long term disability claim in the St. Petersburg area based on AIDS has been denied, you need the assistance of long term disability AIDS attorney Nancy Cavey. Call us today to begin the process.

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