Long Term Disability Recipients Need To Be Afraid Of Medi-Copy Services

Long Term Disability Recipients Need To Be Afraid Of Medi-Copy Services

Long Term Disability

Long term disability carriers will request that you sign a medical release so that they can get copies of your medical records. Many will hire Medi-Copy services, a third part medical record processor, based in Nashville.

In addition to medical records, they also provide disability form completion services. Guess what they do! Since they’re working for the disability carrier, they have access to your file.

When a disability form gets sent to your physician, they’ll get it, fill it out and send it directly to the insurer.

There have been instances in which Medi-Copy completed the form, signed the doctor’s name and returned it to the disability carrier, which resulted in the termination of disability benefits.

Need Help With Your Long Term Disability Claim?

Here, at Cavey Law, we suggest that you limit any long term disability carrier release and prohibit Medi-Copy from being involved in your claim.

If you suspect that there has been fraud in your claim, it’s time for you to contact long term disability attorney Nancy Cavey who can help you get the disability benefits you deserve, and if necessary, sue companies like Medi-Copy services. Call today at 727-477-3263 for your complimentary consultation.

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