

Can long term disability Carriers sue me for a refund of my long term disability benefits?

Mar 16, 2011

Unfortunately, one of the techniques that long term disability carriers seem to be using these days ...

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Why You Should Have an Attorney if the Administrative Law Judge is going to Call a Vocational Expert

Mar 08, 2011

Why? The vocational experts testimony about your ability to do the lightest job you’ve held in the...

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One of the Reasons a Long Term Disability Carrier Can Deny Your Benefits Based on Your Facebook Account

Mar 07, 2011

Long term disability carriers will do anything they can to find a reason to deny your long term disa...

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The Two Ways to Submit a Winning Social Security Disability Application

Mar 03, 2011

You can apply for Social Security Disability benefits online or at the Social Security Disability of...

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Did you know that Social Security Disability is also a form of government insurance?

Mar 03, 2011

Yes! Look at your pay check, you will see that there are withholdings called FICA. A FICA withholdin...

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If You Are Having Communication Problems with your Social Security Disability Attorney, It is time to Change Attorneys

Feb 28, 2011

Nancy Cavey, who has over 39 years of experience as a Social Security Disability attorney in Tampa o...

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Can a Long Term Disability Carrier in Florida Take my Social Security Disability Benefits that I Receive in a Lump Sum?

Feb 24, 2011

No! In Herman vs. Metropolitan Life Insurance Company (689 f supp 2d 1316 (MD Florida 2010)), Ms. He...

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How long does a Social Security Disability medical exam last?

Feb 23, 2011

Most Social Security Disability exams last between fifteen to twenty minutes if you are claiming you...

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Discitis and Your Rights to Social Security Disability Benefits

Feb 23, 2011

You may be entitled to Social Security Disability benefits if your doctors told you that you have so...

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