

What Are My Chances For Being Approved For Social Security Disability Benefits If I’ve Had Multiple Back Surgeries?

Nov 07, 2017

I’ve had a herniated disc and back surgery! I know all too well how difficult it can be to work af...

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What Every Long Term Disability Policy Holder Should Do If Their Claim For Cognitive Disorder Has Been Denied Based On A Neuropsychological Report

Oct 31, 2017

Unfortunately, long-term disability carriers don’t make it easy for those with cognitive dysfuncti...

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The Social Security Administration’s Secret About How Long You Have To Work Before You Can Be Eligible For Social Security Disability Benefits

Oct 10, 2017

As a requirement for becoming insured for Social Security Disability purposed you have to have worke...

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Why An Unsuccessful Work Attempt Could Help Your Social Security Disability Case

Aug 31, 2017

It’s not uncommon for Social Security Disability applicants who attempt to return to work while wa...

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White House Budget Director Mick Mulvaney Needs Crash Course In The Facts About Social Security Disability

Aug 29, 2017

White House Budget Director Mick Mulvaney claims that Social Security Disability benefits are “ver...

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Can I Collect Workers’ Compensation and Social Security Benefits At The Same Time?

Aug 15, 2017

If you’ve been injured on the job many Workers’ Compensation statutes require that you apply for...

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Why Your Work History Can Make All The Difference In Getting Your Social Security Disability Benefits

Aug 08, 2017

Social Security Judges see hundreds of cases each year and hear the same story over and over. When f...

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This Is What Happens When A ERISA Disability Policy Holder Is Left High and Dry

Jun 19, 2017

You purchase a long term disability policy to provide you with peace of mind if you became sick, inj...

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If My Cardiovascular Condition Doesn’t Meet the Listing, Can I Try to Prove That My Condition Equals a Listing?

Jun 05, 2017

Yes! The Social Security Administration (SSA) evaluates whether or not your medical condition equals...

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