Delayed or Denied Long Term Disability Process

Has Your Disability Insurance Carrier Delayed Making A Decision, Denied Your Short Or Long Term Disability Claim Or Cut Off Your Monthly Benefits?

Disability carriers don’t make it easy for policy holders to get the disability benefits they deserve.

Carrier will delay making a decision by asking for more information, claiming they haven’t gotten the information you sent or claiming they will make a decision soon.

Worse yet, carrier’s deny legitimate short and long term disability claims on the flimsiest of reasons.

If your disability carrier has delayed making a decision or denied your short or long term disability application you need to take immediate action. In many instances you will only have 180 days to appeal a wrongful denial or you can lose out!

How To Handle The Carrier’s Stalling Tactics And Delay In Making A Decision On Your Disability Claim

Disability carrier’s often ask for more information and more information and stall making a decision. That is why it is so important that you have ERISA/ID disability attorney Nancy L. Cavey who can handle the carrier’s stalling tactics. Learn more about dealing with carrier’s delay in making decisions.

What You Must Do Immediately If Your Erisa Short Or Long Term Disability Claim Has Been Denied Or Your Monthly Benefits Have Been Stopped

Your disability policy will limit the time in which you must file an appeal and the number of appeals you can file. Timely filing an appeal and submitting a winning appeal letter is the key to getting your benefits. Learn what must be done in an appeal and why you rarely get a chance to submit new evidence once your disability carrier has made its final decision.

Your rights under a private or individual disability (ID) policy are different than an ERISA policy. Learn about timely filing an appeal of the carrier’s wrongful denial and the steps that must be taken before filing a lawsuit.

If Your Carrier Isn’t Making or Is Delaying Making A Decision on Your Claim It Is TIME To Hire Nancy L. Cavey.

If you want to get paid, it is crucial to have ERISA/ID disability attorney Nancy L. Cavey deal with the carrier’s stalling tactics.