File Requirements

What Information Do I Need To File A Request For Reconsideration?

In Addition To Filing A Request For Reconsideration, You Will Need To Provide The Social Security Administration (Ssa):

  1. Your name, Social Security number, address, and phone number,
  2. Your Notice of Decision,
  3. Your attorney’s name, address and phone number, and
  4. The name, address and phone number of a friend or relative who knows about your medical condition.

The SSA will send the friend or relative a Third Party form to fill out and return to  SSA. Picking the wrong person and not having an attorney review the Third Party form before it is sent back to SSA can destroy your claim. Administrative Law Judges often deny claims based on things your friends or relatives said thinking they were helping you!

What Else Do I Need?

SSA wants updated medical information for the time after you filed your Initial Application for Social Security Disability (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI). This information will include:

  1. A description of any changes in your medical conditions,
  2. A description of any new medical conditions you have developed or been diagnosed with by any doctor,
  3. The name, address, phone number, type of treatment, and visit dates for all doctors, hospitals and clinics,
  4. The names of over-the-counter and prescription medications you are taking, who prescribed them and any side effects,
  5. The name, location and date of all medical tests you have had and who sent you for that testing.

How Social Security Disability Attorney Nancy L. Cavey Can Help You With Your Request For Reconsideration

The Social Security Disability claims process is complicated and full of red tape. It is easy to make a mistake, even at the Request for Reconsideration stage. It is time to help so you can get the Social Security Disability benefits you deserve.

Nancy Cavey will handle your case on a contingency fee basis. That means if she doesn’t get your disability benefits, you don’t owe her a dime for attorney fees. It’s as simple as that.